


dyter7t.png dyter7g.png dyter7g2.png dyter7e.png dyter7c.png


Publisher Author Version(s) Year Media Genre  ST  STE  Falc  TT
Guido Bartels

1990 2 floppy
Shooter + +




Known limitations:   Original fails on Mega STE - not because TOS 2.06 but lame floppy code.
Game has bug at final level - it will crash, so can not be finished.



STX imgs. of org - get at Atarimania. But be ready for bug at final level ! Not to mention that will need manual, as there is manual protection after first level.

ST image  Min RAM 512K . Trainer opt. - gives unlim. power + ingame cheat mode - can skip levels. And there is workaround for final stage bug, so can even finish game. Likely will not work on Mega STE, but you have hard disk in it, so go below:

Hard disk runnable  min RAM 1M. TT+, Falcon +  . Trainer opt. - gives unlim. power + ingame cheat mode - can skip levels. And there is workaround for final stage bug, so can even finish game.