Realm of the Trolls

aka Down at the Trolls


reatt.png reatm.png reatm2.png reatg.png

Publisher Author Version(s) Year Media Genre  ST  STE Falc  TT 
Rainbow Arts
Olaf Behrendt

1988 2 floppy  Arc. halls



Known limitations:
Copy protection:  flo1: unformatted track 79. Flo2: sector # at 0 .



STX images of Realm of the Trolls 

STX images of Down at the Trolls 

MSA image  Min RAM 512K. All on single floppy, no need to bother with data disk creation. Unlim. energy opt.

Hard disk installable  1M RAM min. Unlim. energy opt. TT+, Falcon + .