TOS 2.06 modification
for autoboot with twisted IDE cable
IDE port addresses are changed when use
twisted IDE cable. We need to use even instead odd port addresses. For
instance Command/Status register will be $FFF0001C instead $FFF0001D.
To having autobot with so attached drives some changes in TOS
2.06 code are required. Here are the new values (all just port
addresses, low byte). A4 points to begin of TOS 2.06 (binary).
move.b #$1C,$18A1(a4)
move.b #$04,$18B7(a4)
move.b #$08,$18C9(a4)
move.b #$38,$18D7(a4)
move.b #$1C,$18DF(a4)
move.b #$08,$1905(a4)
move.b #$38,$1913(a4)
move.b #$1C,$191B(a4)
move.b #$38,$1923(a4)
move.b #$10,$1955(a4)
move.b #$14,$195D(a4)
move.b #$18,$1973(a4)
move.b #$0C,$197D(a4)
move.b #$18,$198F(a4)
move.b #$38,$199B(a4)
move.b #$1C,$19A3(a4)
move.b #$18,$19FF(a4)
move.b #$38,$1A13(a4)
Total 18 locations.
ROM CRC check override:
move.b #$60,$7F6(a4)
Then it will be skipped, and no ROM CRC error message will
appear after
cold boot.
RAM check skipping: move.b #$60,$986(a4)
Better solution is to recalculate CRC checksum and write
it in ROM
image file. It can be done very easy with program ROMSPLIT. Get it here:
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