Purpose of this program is making image files of floppies - for
with emulators on PC, data preservation.Then, file transfers &
files onto floppies... It works under Windows XP,
Win2K, Vista, Win 7. For instance
it can fast
make images of 800KB, 1600KB floppies. Uses Simon Owen 's
fdrawcmd - low level floppy driver, which overrides limitations of
standard Windows floppy drivers.
So, first thing is that you install fdrawcmd
on your Windows. It is for built-in floppy drives, not for USB
externals. Then download Floppy Image
may start it:
(If you have Win98 or 95 you may still use this prg. - without floppy
drive access, for extracting files from images, conversion etc.)
I strongly recommend for beginners that read carefully this usage
guide. In case of problems mail me
(link at bottom). That's where you may expect fastest answer.
Considering popular Atari forums: I saw lot of misguiding answers in them. Situation is now better, and of course people like to hear different opinions. Problem is when people writes things which they even did not try (properly) - like about WFDCopy.
New in version 1.02 : Improved
STT write support - possible to write floppies with mixed 512 byte and
1K sectors. Still, not possible to write tight packed ones with 6KB
data per track. What works is Alien World, Action Force ... (will be
more as currently doing conversions). For thight packed ones you need
HxC .
New in version 1.0 :
Separated info boxes for floppy and image file, easier usage, better
overview. Option to save
compressed MSA images. View option in ST file transfer.
It is about 5 years since first version is
released. Most problems were reported about non
working floppies on real Atari, which were written with program (from
image files). Myself had it many times. Reason is usually low quality
or bad condition of floppies. PC and Atari have different floppy
controller chips, so high quality of recording is a must - use good
floppies. As I see age is not problem in most cases, some old ones are
even better than average news. Second reason may be disalign of head
settings between PC and Atari floppy drive. It is not for average user
to set floppy heads, but replacing drive with other may help.
Now, let see the usage: Making image file
of floppy: insert floppy in drive and click onicon
A at top left. It will read parameters of disk, and display
them. Right by box with geometry of floppy small icon with description
of floppy type will appear. ST
means Atari ST FAT12 type. ZX
is my special Sinclair ZX Spectrum floppy format. Sam Coupe is it's regular format. If
exclamation mark in red appears: floppy parameters are invalid,
unknown, unsupported or unreadable. Then you my modify CHS parameters
by need and by hand - if you know what are you
To create image file
on Floppy to Image,
choose ST, MSA or DSK, give filename and prg. will save it to standard
or MSA file, and generate log file (if checked) with same name, but
'log' - with
list of bad sectors by read. It will work fine with non-protected
disks. If 'Cmr. MSA' is checked
MSA files will be saved RLE compressed - it stays for conversion
ST>MSA too.
You may write image files
(ST, DSK or MSA) to floppies, with or without format - if
format is
checked it will work slower, but may be necessary if target disk is
formatted with different parameters prior. First Open image file. After
it you may correct parameters if they aren't OK ( for experts only ! )
- with MSA images it should be never necessary (case of
non-standard boot sector ). Finally click 'Image to
floppy' . If getting messages about RNF abort with right mouse button
and check on format. If it helps not, floppy is likely in bad shape -
try with other.
ST < > MSA
is for conversion
from ST to MSA or vice-versa of opened image file (with Open Image file but.) . It
will save converted image file in same DIR .
MSA output will be compressed if 'Cmr. MSA' is checked.
By floppies in bad condition it is worth to set Retries to value 2-5. Don't
expect miracles of it. My experience is that with old floppies is good
to repeat reading of whole disk 4-5 times, and it will have at
end less bad sectors.
Button Floppy to STT
saves images in STT format,
which is less known. It is Steem specific, and not fully developed. I
choosed it, because may be expanded, and is supported at least somehow.
For now, it can only save floppies with non-standard sector numbers on
tracks. Chaos Strikes Back partially works - it can be started, but no
position save (no weak sector flags in current STT spec.)
Button STT to floppy
writes STT images to floppies. Here is working
example: Vir*usGame.zip . After writing it to
floppy, you
see (scan) how protection is made. Note: it will not work in Steem,
because of incomplete emulation, but works on real ST(E) machines.
Triple format (Amiga, Atari ST, PC) floppy: Public
Domain Cover disk 4 . There are some inaccessible areas on PC, ST -
where Amiga part is. Of course it is not imaged correct, but this is
not for Amiga.
Small floppy shape button with text STT and question mark is for
getting track and sector layout of STT files. Select STT file, and
program will generate TXT file with same name. There is list of sectors
by tracks, after x is sectorsize code: 2 is regular 512 bytes, 3 is
1024 bytes etc...
If boot sector is unreadable, you must set parameters
it may require
couple tries (and later need to hexedit image file). Scan
floppy is for
determining parameters if they are non-standard, or boot sector is
damaged. It prints out sector numbers in tracks, hexadecimal. Range
of scan will be by values in Tracks
and Sides edit boxes.
Meanings: T4 = Track 4 S0 = side 0 , then comes
list of
sectors, in hex. First one is always first after index. It is not 1 on
pic above
because of skew.
Usual reason of getting message about 'Boot sector read error' is that
floppy is formatted with Fast Copy Pro , fast option set, on
Atari. Such floppies can not be read on PC because of
different floppy controller. Not even in DOS. Solution is to copy such
floppy on another one with Atari - but with different copy program than
Fast Copy Pro. Note: write or format of 11
sector/track will not produce usable floppy - reason is inability of
floppy controller to do it.
File transfer: program
has option for file transfer (extracting, adding, viewing) from/to
floppies or image files.
Supported formats are : FAT12 - used by MS DOS and Atari ST, SAM Coupe and ZX special PP format. Program
will autodetect format by opening floppy/image.
From version 1.01 there is option to manually change detected
format, shown by small icon near to geometry. Clicking on that icon
will cycle between 3 supported formats : ST (what is FAT12 actually),
SAM Coupe and ZX . This is for not likely case that
autodetect fails.
File transfer will work with last selected item - floppy or image file.
If floppy icon is 'opened' then it was last selected.
on detected and shown format different dialogs will open by clicking
"File transfer" :
extracting, view & adding files from/to ST floppies: You may extract & add files direct from/to floppies or
from/to image files.
Click on File transfer
button, and
will get following dialog: May select multiple files at once. It will initially save all
directory EXTRACT, what may be changed with button Dest Dir.
But take care that program overwrites files without warning. Opening
subdirectory is possible via double-click on
it, or with button Open DIR
. Button DIR Up is
for back one subdir. level (to parent dir.). If DIR is selected program
will save all files from all subdirectories recursively.
When click Add files
you may select multiple files with Windows fileselector. Create
New folder by need on floppy: under button enter directory
name as
standard DOS 8.3 filename .Checkbox Current time (else filetime)
is for both extract and add files, and determines timestamp on copies
of files. Adding files is possible to floppies and ST(DSK) image files.
For making things easier here is small archive with 2 empty floppy
images: Empty Floppies . One
is standard
PC 720KB and other is
800KB, much used on ST. If you want to transfer (run) some files which
you have on PC - to ST,
just add them to empty image and then write it to floppy. With 720KB
one you have more ways - write
it to floppy, and then can add/delete to it with Windows Explorer or
View ST files is new option at V 1.0 . It is little help for fast
checking of file's content. Principle of work is: extracting file in
special temp DIR, named VIEW, and then opening it with default Win.
program for that file extension (type). So, it will extract TXT files,
and open with default app. for them - usually Notepad.
If ST file has extension DOC or INF it will be renamed and extracted as
TXT file and opened as such.
Viewing common Atari picture formats: if some viewer for them is
installed in Windows you will see them.
For instance with Atari Picture Viewer
installed. I did so far only converter of Photochrome PCS images to BMP
ones, so they will be opened with regular Win pic viewer.
Viewing PCS image as BMP.
Of course, you may copy then converted BMP file somewhere from
dir VIEW.
Note: for correct extraction and
view, subdirs EXTRACT and VIEW must exist in Floppy Imager's folder !
ZX Spectrum floppy PP format file
extraction and write:
If such format (for floppy interface on this site) is
detected following dialog will open when click on 'Extract files' :
Select side A
or B - then clicking on
files in left box selects them for transfer - they appear in right
box. With 'Save sel.'
it will be transferred to PC.
Resulting file may be TAP file
, Z80 snapshot. If
length ( last
at Cat: ) is 49152 it will be Z80. It is possible to save ZX
files directly, without header - just check 'Save bin.', and all will be
saved so, with extensions bin.
You may select max 32 files at
once. However, it is not wise to select lot of files for TAP at once -
all will go in single TAP file. Best way is as it is shown on pic.
above - first select BASIC loader and then CODE (after it). Most of
programs is recorded so. 'Erase sel.' is for erasing
ZX files. It works little unusual - may erasing only last file in
charea. But you may select again multiple files, just select them in
order from last to up .
PC > ZX: Click on 'PC > FloP' button, and
select multiple files with Win. fileselector: Supported
filetypes are: SCR -
ZX screen, exactly 6912 bytes long. SNA
- old snapshot files. Z80
snapshot - V 1.45, V 2.01 & V 3.0 ,
only for 48K, for now. Plus TAP
files and BINary files - bin
will be copied directly as CODE files, with start address 25000, max
len. 48KB. Transfer mode depends on file extension. Because authors of
software, and
especially 'authors' of TAP files had pretty limited naming
imagination, and to prevent to see too often message like: I implemented some autonaming system. In case
duplicate name in TAP file, prog. will rename it to re.xxx.ZXfilename .
're' may be changed in editbox 'Rename:'. xxx is auto-counter
in range 1 to 255. If begin character is illegal (not A-z, 0-9)
it will be changed to 9. Codes above 127 and below 32 in filenames will
be changed to '?'- to make edit
After getting such renamed files it is good to correct BASIC loader,
and save datas with some meaningful names: Corrections will be needed
for commands like: LOAD "" -
it is not allowed by disk systems, so enter in brackets filename. Mine
ROM also not accepts LOAD "pic" SCREEN$ - change it to LOAD "pic" CODE
[16384] . Luckily, ZX filesystem is case sensitive, so you may play
with RePTON, rEpToN etc... .
In some cases transferred snapshot will not work - it is because of
limited hardware. Stack may be overloaded. In such case help is to make
another snapshot file on PC (looking for another on WEB). Rule is: make
snapshot when game is paused. In case of 'Name already exists' by
snapshots just simple rename PC file...
Some TAP files have headerless (and nameless) parts - such blocks will
be transferred
to files with names: hl.1.PCfilename, hl.2.PCfilename etc. Of course,
here is also possible to change prefix 'hl' to different - editbox 'H'less:'.
User must find way how to make later load of those files normally
- some machine code knowledge is necessary.
For experts: If I reg points to ROM, it must be #39 for IM 2 mode,
because ROM is full with code.
Sam Coupe floppy
file extraction: From V 0.85 Sam Coupe floppy
support is added.
Here may select multiple files
From floppy
or DSK image files.
Important! Read this for undertanding
reasons, problems: The Floppy Mystery
(Atari related)
How to determine is floppy copy-protected?
It is not simple, since there is many copy protection system. Checking
image with emulator by dilemma is necessary.
In any case, if it is user's floppy, filled at home/office, it is
not protected (unless made by some protection expert).
Original disks are copy-protected very often. Some systems: There are tracks over cylinder 79, but it is not visible from
BPB (parameters). Scan of tracks 80-82 may find some data there, but it
depends from
floppy drive - some can't go over 80, 81. Weak sectors - usually on first track, CRC error will appear by
Pasti is only way currently for making usable images of such floppies -
on Atari machines. But it can be used only in Steem and Saint. No write
support, not even with extra HW as CatWeasel. Non-standard sector numbers in tracks (not in range
1-9/10/18/20). With scan it's nice visible. Plus may have fake track,
side, sect. IDs.
It can not be imaged with standard formats like ST or MSA or IMG.
Try STT or Pasti.
Or buy KryoFlux.
FastCopy Pro problem: if you formatted floppies with FastCopy
Pro, with 10 /sec/track, and
option 'Fast format' on (under more settings), it will not read some
sectors on PC. Pattern of RNF sectors is: 1,9,7,5,3,1 etc
(those are first sectors on tracks, due to skew). Reason is too short
track lead. Such floppies are well readable on Atari machines, so if
want to make their image
do it on Atari ST or copy them on Atari to floppies with regular format
(turn off 'fast format' if want
still to use FC Pro).
Most used floppy formats on Atari ST: So looks floppy formatted with ROMs built
in (Desktop) formatter.
Note that FAT has 5 sectors.
This is formatted on PC. 720K floppy.
Note that FAT has 3 sectors.
This is probably most used on Atari.
By some formatters FAT length may be 5 sectors, but it is waste
of space. 800K full size, reliable. Read may be slower if not formatted
with skew.
The program: DISKIMAG
. It images not whole disks, just system area. Therefore file extension
BFR - Boot, Fat, Root dir. May rename disks too.
Here is new version of my
old floppy imaging/copying program for Atari ST, named Trackcopy: TRACC .
With ? selected it shows sector numbers on tracks and copies them. Not
for copy-protected floppies. It requires 2MB RAM, but there is version
for 1MB machines too .
Another copy program - with ramdisk, for
filewise copy (Tracc is
for copying whole disks) : COPYACC.ZIP
It works pretty fast due to cashing of system area. May look disk
layout, 'Show for FILE' will show where file is placed on floppy. Not
exactly year 2K compliant :-)