Atari ST
hard disk driver SW For ST, STE, Mega ST, Mega STE,
for Falcon, ACSI for TT
About my hard disk driver SW:
I work on this for some 17 years. Intention was/is to make easy to use, with some useful extra features, low RAM consuming (ASM code) and very important: compatible driver/partitioner SW.
With what good old Atari ST(E) SW works well. As it is mostly for floppies, some changes my be needed in SW, code for hard disk work. More compatible driver - less changes needed. Then, easy data transfer with modern computers is very useful, especially since Internet time. Atari TOS developers went actually on DOS compatible format with floppies and hard disks in filesystem (FAT12 and FAT16). However it is not 100% compatible. Everyone can see it if looks with Hex viewer some disk image - Intel byte order is used, while CPU 68000 is not such (normal byte order by numbers). As I did looot of 'adapting for hard disk' - mostly games, I have really big experience about usual SW, and how hard disk driver needs to work. See lower for more details.
Started with Atari ST hard disks since 1992 - then designed IDE adapter and used it with 40 MB 3.5 inch drive - my first hard disk. As driver I used AHDI driver by Atari .
Later used 2.5 inch IDE drives, capacity in range 80-160 MB . And I learned in short time that is worth to make multiple partitions, with size under 32 MB, because then they are DOS compatible, so was able to access them with PC with DOS, Windows. That was good for file transfers .
My Atari ST activity lowered, as I used mostly PC for work, playing new games on much faster computer, 3D graphic cards arrived, and Internet too .
One of things what I spent more time around 1999-2000 was making images of all my Atari floppies, and save them to hard disk - as images, as files for usage from hard disk. Then learned that it may need some changes in SW to make it work from hard disk. Talking not about copy protected SW. I had (and still have) some original games, but I made them to work from hard disk . For instance Microprose F1 GP - it's on 4 floppies originally. That was good experience, and I even used packing.
New interest for Atari ST came by appearance of Flash cards - at around 2003 - I bough 128 MB Sandisk CF card, and Flash card with standard IDE connector (Transcend) - much more practical than those large, noisy and power hungry drives. And could connect it to PC - via USB reader.
Also good emulators of Atari ST appeared on then pretty powerful PCs (CPU clock over 1 GHz, so faster than ST at least 100x ) . Steem became my favorite - and it had 2 types of hard disk emulation. And as it is relevant here, details: "Hard drives" - it is in Disk menu section, and I would call it Filesystem emulation. Now some call it GEMdrive and like - misleading , in fact it is not real hard disk emulation, or even drive - just some DIR on host computer assigned as logical drive (partition C-P) on emulated Atari ST(E) .It is based on redirecting file/DIR function calls (read, write, seek, etc) to host filesystem. And includes of course long filename conversion to 8.3 format .
And because that way not all hard disk functions work - can not access hard disk specific sectors (area), as no such. And that means that SW what use such calls will not detect hard disk, and will not run properly or at all. Because it is written for regular system - with hard disk with partitions, MBR, partition locations etc. AUTO boot hard disk driver takes care about it - and it is called from TOS FAT16 filesystem handling code . In TOS is even no any code to interpret MBR and set/mount partitions - it is on driver SW . Sure, space in TOS in ROM is limited, plus it gave space for driver SW developers to solve it in diverse ways, to add some new features for better/easier usage ...
Following is in order from newer to older new features. Near to bottom (~90%) are prices, and how to order.
New feature: Multiple sections on SD card.
As is known TOS 1.04 and later can access max 7 GB (Max 14 max 512 MB partitions). And we have now cheap, large capacity SD cards, lowest sizes available now are 16-32 GB. So, why not using whole capacity with our old Ataris ? There is solution: dividing card into multiple sections, which act as separated card in fact. User needs just to select active section after reset (boot). So, can have for instance multiple game collection images on single SD card.
And diverse sections for diverse SW. It works only with my driver, because it needs special code in driver.
So, there is new driver installer, actually 2 of them - one for first section (what writes sections parameters too), other for later sections. Then little util for setting section sizes:
Adding drive icons D-P to Desktop -
for TOS 1.xx - where only icon for C appears after driver install. Video showing how it works together with partitioning and autoboot driver install:
It works in all 3 resolutions - low, medium, high.
Special update, new feature at Nov. 2019, till March 2022: Virtual Floppy (VF in further txt) function,
together with hard disk driver. This is better way than separated
program for VF, because data will be accessed on hard disk (Flash card)
for sure, so can cowork better.
Works with ST floppy image files in regular FAT12 format. Active image can be changed easily in Dekstop - as is in video.
Because some SW like it, there is option to install hard disk and VF
driver, buffers in high RAM, so low RAM remains free. Layout of low RAM
is then practically same as when work with floppy drive.
Virtual Floppy can be for A: or for B: - 2 little different drivers
will be supplied . Now VF for B available for ICD type drivers too.
Because this is extra function, price for this version is 30 Euros.
Sorry, no PayPal anymore, they messed up my account and unable to fix.
Instead it can use much better Wise (former Transferwise), or bank transfer to my
account there. Contact me: .
Fur those who bought my hard disk driver already, update is 10
Euros. All driver versions now have VF version too, done and
Soon I will add page about how to use Wise and why it is worth
to register there. Just to say now: much more options, ways than with
PayPal, lover fees.
SW is good (and tested) with following adapters: UltraSatan, Satandisk,
ACSI2STM. ACSI2SD, SD4ST, CosmosEx (SD card), Gigafile, diverse
IDE adapters, Falcon internal IDE, ICD adapters, Mega STE and Stacy
internal ACSI-SCSI, ACSI-CF .
New IDE driver package update: with support for partition sizes up to 1 GB . It works only with Falcon TOS 4.04 and higher. So, if you have TOS 4.02 don't order it (unless plan upgrade).
Price is same: 23 Eu . To add that it will use more RAM than driver with max. 512 MB parts.
I guess not really worth to go on so large partitions with some lower capacity disk, CF card.
This hard disk drivers are intended mostly for newer storage
devices and adapters - like Satandisk, UltraSatan, IDE hard disks or
Compact Flash cards. May work
with older hard drives too, but it is not guaranteed. Supported is SCSI
via ICD or Mega STE internal adapter. Concept is:
simple usage, fast work, not one universal driver for all HW, but
separated driver installers for diverse adapters, storage - like ACSI,
IDE ... It gives less problems by install and lower RAM usage.
All SW is written in pure ASM, what means fast work too.
Important part of package is partitioner SW - partitioning storage media is first step in usage.
Video of partitioning and driver install on Atari without floppy drive,
with help of image file with 1 short partition containing all SW, after
writing it on SD card with USB card reader you do following on Atari :
How to make all partitions visible on desktop in TOS 1.xx :
Select C (or A or B), then Options, type in drive letter (D-P), give
name, Install. You need to repeat procedure for all partitions. Save
Desktop when all done.
Partitioning with 2 SD cards:
SW for writing image files on Flash cards in Windows, via USB card reader:
Drive Imager .
Of course may do images of cards, and there is file transfer too. Added little guide for proper
writing on cards under latest Windows versions.
How to make all partitions accessible in Windows 10/8: New guide
Oktober 2014
updates:Correct capacity displaying for very
large medias - up to 9.9 TB.
Support for Uwe S.
Hddriver type TOS/DOS compatible partitions.
Better editing of
FAT32 partitions in partitioner.
Windows LFN filtering
- works on TOS 1.00, 1.02, 1.04, 1.06, 1.62, 2.06, 3.06 - UK,US,DE,FR .
Will not see this anymore:
Incorrect used space shown without filter:
Correct used space show, for same partition:
Driver optimised for UltraSatan adapter
TOS/DOS compatible
multiple partitions
Access to AHDI partitioned, Uwe S. Hddriver
type Win/TOS partitoned medias too.
Hot-swap support
Easy selection of
active C
during boot
Low RAM usage, fast
work - pure
Works on ST, STE,
Mega ST, Mega
TT .
Min TOS v.
: 1.00
Ideal for
gaming - easy
setting, usage, no Timer dependance
Virtual Floppy feature - optional. Works with ST image files as drive A: or B:
Windows LFN
Driver for SD card adapters like ACSI2STM(SD)
TOS/DOS compatible
multiple partitions
Access to AHDI partitioned, Uwe S. Hddriver
type Win/TOS partitoned medias too.
Easy selection of
active C
during boot
Low RAM usage, fast
work - pure
Works on ST, STE,
Mega ST, Mega
TT .
Min TOS v.
: 1.00
Ideal for
gaming - easy
setting, usage, no Timer dependance
Virtual Floppy feature - optional. Works with ST image files as drive A:
Windows LFN
Driver optimised for Satandisk adapter
compatible multiple
supported SD card size is
2GB -
unique feature
selection of active C
during boot
usage, fast work - pure
Works on
ST, STE, Mega ST, Mega
TT .
TOS v. : 1.00
for gaming - easy
setting, usage, no Timer dependance
Virtual Floppy feature - optional
Windows LFN
compatible multiple
selection of active C
during boot
usage, fast work - pure
Works on
ST, STE, Mega ST, Mega
if equipped with regular IDE IF . Falcon .
v. : 1.00
Max partition size is 1024 MB - only Falcon with TOS 4.04
high-low byte swap
option for
faster work
Virtual floppy feature - optional
usage, no Timer
dependance - good for gamers
How to make all partitions accessible in Windows: Forum thread
Price is 30 Euros
for any version with Virtual Floppy feature. Regular version is 23 Euros. . Just describe your HW, and I will send you proper versions. All drivers have
2 execs: installable for autoboot, and direct runnable. And there is
partitioner SW too, of course. Payment via Wise (former transferwise) recommended.
Contact via e-mail: .
Little technical info:
There are 2 main types of partitioning by Atari ST hard disks:
AHDI and
DOS type partitioning. In fact, they differ very little, and no any
support for AHDI type partitioning data in MBR in TOS.
It is all on driver SW. More relevant is FAT16
partition's type, and since it is handled via TOS, better said GEMDOS,
it is only small DOS FAT16 type compatible - only for partitions
smaller than 32MB. All above, called BigDOS is not compatible, because
of different parameters (logical sector size, cluster sizes). Because
we want our Atari medias (Flash cards in first place) to be easily
accessible on some PC, MAC, TOS/DOS compatible partitioning is
welcome. Partitioner creates all FAT16 partitions TOS/DOS compatible.
And with standard MBR (master boot record), where partition's locations, type, size is given.
It is loaded by TOS before AUTO folder exec. , so in early stage, and normally C: will be default drive after successful driver activation.
My partitioner can create FAT32 too, but it is usable only with Mint and Magic. And
of course, FAT16 has some limits here, depending of TOS version:
TOS 1.00 & 1.02 : max part. suze is 256MB. . TOS1.04-4.02 : max
part. size is 512MB. Falcon TOS 4.04 supports max 1GB partitions.
Max total count of partitions what TOS can handle is 14 - C:-P: . And
it stays for all partitions on all attached disks together. So, if your
first disk has for instance 12 partitions, and second 13, you will see
all from first, and only 2 first ones from second disk.
Concept, background, history: I started with
Atari hard disk driver SW programming somewhere around 1996. Main
reason was that most of existing drivers in that time worked not well
with IDE hard disks - and I had then only IDE hard disks - Conner of
80MB, IBM drives of 160MB and similar. And I went immediately on DOS
compatible solution. It was not hard, because used only small FAT16
partitions, below 32MB size, which are compatible with TOS. Driver self
used CHS addressing (max 512 MB accessible), and it was OK for existing
Unlike usual solutions for Atari, I place autoboot loader not on first
partition (something like hddr.sys), but on free space after master
boot record.
There is normally 30KB space, enough for any driver version (what may
be even packed) . Beside beeing simpler, faster, it offers selection of
active C partition during autoboot - user can select which of physical
partitions D-P to swap with physical C, so it will become current C
(while physical C will become current D-P (what is selected) ). Since
on C are placed all AUTO start programs, drivers, ACCessories,
Desktop.inf etc, it results in very simple environment change, by
current user needs - may have setting for some work, programming,
another for music, third for gaming etc. As Atari boots very fast, you
can switch in couple seconds.
Driver development continued with arriving of new adapters, larger
drives. Especially when Flash cards arrived on market - they are ideal
for our oldtimer - low power consumption, not hunderts of GBs (useless
on ST), easy attaching on PC, etc. All it needed new solutions,
like TOS/DOS compatble BigDOS partitions, support for new adapters and
similar. Work on TT needs special care about CPU cache and Fast
Comparing with most popular Hddriver: I will not go here in which is
better - it is not on me to talk about it, and it is very subjective -
people have different needs, use computer differently. Hddriver gives
support for everything in single driver file, which may be slightly
modified during installation, setup. It supports almost everything, so
CD ROMs, Milan and other Atari clones. My drivers are usually
specialised - there is separated installer for different hard disk
adapters. I think that it is good for users - simpler set up, and less
RAM usage. I don't have lot of now obsolete settings, like cache
and others - new drives are fast enough, and big cache gives not
visibly faster work, but takes RAM. No plans for now for CD ROM
support, TT, Falcon SCSI support - it may be in case of enough
interested people. Price is much lower - I offer support for less
HW, and don't want to get rich with this :-)
But some money is needed in all this - you can not develop HW driver
without spending some money on equipment, storage devices and similar.